A day at the spa

Publicerad 2015-04-11 14:00:00 i Budapest,

It was finally time to make it to the famous thermal bath in Budapest. Together with my new friend from France, we walked passed the ambassy area to reach the spa. The Szechenyi bath lived up to its reputation and served well for relaxing in the sun. I am now cleaner than ever before! After spending a few hours at the spa my stomach started screaming for food. I wanted to further explore the hungarian cuisine but had to capitualte when I ran into a chinese restaurant. Being tired and hungry it was just easier to order my food in chinese than with the hungarian I do not yet speak. I never would have guessed that I could have used for my chinese in Hungary. The magnolia flowers were blooming and people did right in bringing the guitars out to play in the park. I also found some cool second hand shops on my walk around the city. 


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