Floating on the Danube

Publicerad 2015-04-16 11:51:32 i Budapest, Europe,

I started out the morning by going to the local food market. Sausages were hanging in every stand and freshly baked croissants put flavour to the air. When travelling to a new city I try to visit at least one museum to get an insight in the local culture and so this was my plan for today. What I didn't think of, I guess I was too into my holiday mood, was that museums are usually closed on mondays wherever you go. Instead I sat down in the big park with the strawberries I got at the food market and started replanning my day. 

I walked through the city, once again admiring the architecture. The public transportation in Budapest is great. There is no need to look at the timetable because you never have to wait for the bus, tram or metro. It always just arrives when you need it. Even travelling by boat is included in the same ticket. So I decided to have a look at the city from the water and got on the next boat, drifting down the Danube in the direction of the current. 

Staying at hostels, you get to know people from all across the globe. This day I had made a new friend from Wales. We tried some mexican food. I wouldn't have guessed that my best Mexican food experience so far would be found in Hungary. It is interesting to compare the political systems of different countries and hear about the international view of Sweden from an outside perspective. 


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