Spring, castles and hungarian student life

Publicerad 2015-04-10 22:55:00 i Budapest,

The sun licked our faces as we walked down the streets with fresh croissants in our hands. My newly found Kroatian friend pointed out an old classic Soviet car and laughed, surprised that someone still uses it since it's only made out of plastic. The St. Stephen Basilica reached for the blue sky. The roof was decorated with plated gold and the windows allowed the light to enter the church through the vivid colours of the glass.
We soon reached the Donau. My jaw dropped. Wow. The massive stone buildings reflected themselfs in the river, as if the Donau was a mirror. Climbing up towards the castle, the view only got better and better. 

Zoran showed us his tattoo on his leg, a similar motive as the brick wall infront of us on our climb up to the castle. Lunch was found in an outside marked area. I tried a hungarian speciality, duck rolled in cabbage with sour cream.
I was invited to meet with IAESTE Budapest and found my way to a student pub in the Buda area. They were really nice and hospitable, teaching me some necessary hungarian frases and showing me the student culture of Hungary. We went to a club in the dormitory building. Everyone were singing along to the live hungarian music with their hands in the air. The builing was filled with excitement and happiness, especially seen by people dancing on the tables, syncronised to the music. Thanks for a great evening IAESTE Budapest. 


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